Thankful Heart: Day 18 – Sunday

I am thankful for Sunday. It’s the one day that I have off that my husband is not home. We spend Saturday taking care of things together so I have Sunday to relax, regroup and prepare for the week without any distractions. I love getting everyone to church early Sunday morning for the first service so we have the rest of the day to wrap up our weekend.

It’s also the only full day I have with the boys. They are with their Mom and Nana on Friday night and Saturday. After church they take a nap, then we usually spend time baking or reading books. They are so curious about everything. They want to learn from every experience they have; asking lots of questions and experimenting with various cause and effect activities.

My youngest daughter, Chelbrey and my adopted daughter, Vanessa, spend the night on Saturday and go to church with us on Sunday. I love having most of my family home this one day each week. It’s usually the only day of the week that I see them and can spend some time with them. This makes Sunday the best day of the week.

Sunday allows me time to put away laundry that’s been sitting in a basket in my room for days. It allows me to clean out closets and sort through clutter I have wanted to wade through and clean up. It’s a day of rest, but for me rest means having everything in its place for the beginning of another week.

Sunday is for reflection and for looking ahead. It’s the best of both worlds and a day for which I am quite thankful!

What day of the week are you most thankful for?

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