5 Minutes from the Heart: Hands

Linking with http://www.lisajobaker.com this morning for just five minutes of writing what’s on my heart. This weeks prompt is hands.

The Bible says to humble ourself under Gods mighty hand, casting all our burdens on Him because He cares for us.

I’ve spent the last five weeks running around caring my burdens up one flight of stairs and down another, trying with all that is within me to get them on the next flight or train, trying to meet deadlines and get things in the mail, making sure everyone is where they need to be , dotting every last i, and crossing every t.

He has been watching as we run along the roads of life seeking direction, trying to find our own way. The whole time, he has been saying “cast those burdens on me. I care for you”

This amazing verse was my first thought this morning as I awoke for the second time from a dream where I was running through an airport, loaded down with luggage, carrying everything, including a child, up a flight of stairs to catch a flight for which I was late, and somehow losing my passport along the way. I felt helpless and alone as my family boarded the flight with no regard for where I was or what I was doing.

So thankful that God extends His hand and cares for us in every circumstance.


4 thoughts on “5 Minutes from the Heart: Hands

  1. Ah, so good. Thanks for sharing your insights! He does care, so much. How powerful to know that not only does He care, but the One who cares for us the most can also help us the most, because He holds everything. Keep writing!
    Visiting from FMF today (www.jayanspurplecrayon.weebly.com)

  2. It is amazing how placing our burdens in His hands can help us. Sometimes I wonder why we don’t do it more often. Thanks for sharing. stopping by from FMF this Saturday morning.

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