Hearty & Healthy: Day 2

sprouts-heartMuch better day! Lunch did not taste like weeds and I did not feel like I was starving myself. What was different?

I left the cinnamon out of my oats this morning and liked them much better.

I made salad dressing out of avocado, Greek yogurt, garlic and lemon pepper, then added it and some shredded cheddar to my romaine and broccoli slaw salad. Yum!

Almonds for morning snack, thanks to my co-worker who was saving me from the chocolate and jelly beans she usually brings to school.

After school I made a shake from apricot purée, Greek yogurt, and milk. It was very filling and satisfying. Score!

For dinner I had my daughter put chicken breasts and black beans in the crock pot this morning. It was awesome with a little cheese and a quinoa, brown rice, red rice, wild rice medley.

Very stressful day for various reasons, but after a few raisins for an evening snack I’m feeling great.

My next purchase will be Ezekiel bread! I’m dying for some toast!

Thoughts? Comments?